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Take action to stop the ATF's proposed ammo ban!


The ATF has backed down. Thank you to all who sent emails, wrote letters, or made phone calls on this issue.

Hi everyone. The ATF is planning to ban the M855 (green tip) ammunition used in AR-15s and other 5.56/.223 firearms as armor-piercing ammunition. They justify this by stating that it can be fired in easily concealed handguns; that it poses a significant threat to law enforcement; and that criminals would not use it for sporting purposes. All three of these reasons are blatantly ridiculous. The AR-15 pistol (which is what they mention) has a 7.5 inch receiver, a 7 inch buffer tube, and must have a 7 inch or longer barrel or it won’t function reliably. This results in the pistol the ATF describes as small and easily concealed being at least 21 inches long and typically weighing in the neighborhood of six pounds. I’ve looked for documented cases of law enforcement officers being shot with AR-15 pistols – there aren’t any to be found. And I resent the fact that some bureaucrat in Washington thinks that because criminals have bad intentions it would be a good idea to limit my freedom to exercise my constitutionally protected rights.

The US Constitution defines and limits the powers of the federal government. While it is nice when the government does protect our rights, ultimately it is up to us, the citizens of the United States to protect our constitutional rights. We need to take action now to stop the ATF’s latest infringement on the second amendment. Contact the ATF. Write your elected representatives. The following links may be useful:

Buckeye Firearms article on the issue:
They will send a letter to the ATF for you and enter you to win the ammo being banned.

World Net Daily tried to find evidence that M855 ammo and/or AR-15 pistols were being used to kill Law Enforcement – but couldn’t find anything:

The NSSF’s blog has a great entry on this ( – it’s short and to the point. If you only read one of these links, this is the one to read. They also have a tool that will contact the ATF and your Senators and Representative automatically – just follow the link at the bottom labeled “Write to your Member of Congress and the ATF today

Finally, if you’re interested, here’s what the ATF is proposing in detail:

Now is the time to act – the deadline for comments is March 16 – less than two weeks from now!
